Are you considering taking the dive into horse ownership?

Did You Know? There is an estimated 2 million horse owners in the United States and a total of 7.1 million Americans are involved in the industry
as owners, service providers, employees and volunteers. (American Horse Council 2017 Economic Impact Study.)

You might be questioning – is horse ownership right for me? Here are some topics to consider before purchasing or adopting an Equine.

Is horse ownership right for me?

Ask yourself these questions before you take the leap into horse ownership. Click to see if you’re ready!

Where do I find the right horse?

With so many options available, where can I go to find a horse that is the best match for me?

The true cost of horse ownership.

Have you thought about everything that goes into owning a horse?

Become a Responsbile Owner

Make sure your new horse does not end up at-risk. Learn about the steps and plans you can put in place to keep your horse safe at home with you. Become a Responsible Horse Owner.

Finding the right horse.

How do I find the right horse?

  How do I find the right horse? “A lovely horse is…
The true cost of horse ownership.

The true cost of horse ownership.

  What is the True Cost of Owning a Horse? The cost…
Is horse ownership right for me?

Is horse ownership right for me?

Did You Know?   There are an estimated 2 million horse…

All Educational Resources:

End of Life, Euthanasia, and Aftercare Resources

Certified Horsemanship Association 

Want to find a horseback riding instructor or stable? Want to find a great place to take horseback riding lessons or go on trail rides? Then you have found the right website! Want to find out how to become a certified riding instructor or how to get your equine facility accredited? Want to purchase horseback riding educational manuals?

Certified Horsemanship Association Site Accreditation

  • CHA has provided a reasonable and accepted Standards for Equestrian Programs
  • Site Accreditation is a process in which equine programs are evaluated on compliance with these CHA Standards.
  • Each Site is visited by two CHA approved Site Visitors who verify compliance with the CHA Standards.
  • Each Site is scored on their compliance with these CHA Standards.

This section of our website is currently in development.  Check back soon!

Time To Ride Program

There’s no connection like the one your child will make with a horse.
Time To Ride® is here to help young people learn to ride and care for horses, and
experience the unique bond between horses and humans.

Certified Horsemanship Association

Want to find a horseback riding instructor or stable? Want to find a great place to take horseback riding lessons or go on trail rides? Then you have found the right website! Want to find out how to become a certified riding instructor or how to get your equine facility accredited? Want to purchase horseback riding educational manuals?

Our Mission:

Through industry collaboration, the UHC promotes education and options for at-risk and transitioning horses.

Owning Responsibly:

The United Horse Coalition is a broad alliance of equine organizations that have joined together under the American Horse Council to educate the horse industry about the issues facing horses At-Risk, or in transition. We seek to provide information for existing and prospective owners, breeders, sellers, and horse organizations regarding the long-term responsibilities of owning and caring for horses, as well as focusing on the opportunities available for these horses.

Join the Cause:

The UHC exists thanks to supporters like you. Your financial contribution is critical to helping us continue our mission.

Make a donation or become a member today.