The United Horse Coalition is actively seeking to expand its membership base with equine organizations such as yours!

Contact: Ashley Harkins

United Horse Coalition

Phone: 202-296-4031


The United Horse Coalition is actively seeking to expand its membership base with equine organizations such as yours!

Why support the UHC…

In supporting the United Horse Coalition, you support the very horse owners who in turn keep our industry alive and well – some who may even belong to your own member base and organization.  The work that UHC does, ensures that every horse owner has access to the resources they need to keep their horse(s) safe at home should they fall on hard times, or barring that, help provide options to rehome their horse responsibly, ensuring that no horse need be put in a situation where they become at-risk.

Established in 2006, the United Horse Coalition is a neutral entity and broad alliance of equine organizations that have joined together under the American Horse Council to educate, advocate, and collaborate industry wide on the issues that surround our nations at-risk horses and those in transition.

UHC houses the Equine Welfare Data Collective – a collaboration that accumulates, analyzes, and reports data to enhance programming for transitioning and at-risk equines. Since its inception, the EWDC has served as a neutral entity where all rescues and sanctuaries can submit their vital data to this effort on an equal playing field.  The data found in the EWDC reports, help us as an industry to have a better understanding of the true nature of what is really happening out there, and not just anecdotally, but real, meaningful and factual data.  This is no small achievement, and it’s the very reason why the equine industry has come to know and trust the data supplied in these reports – but don’t just take our word for it!

“We feel the AHC, the UHC and the EWDC are not only the voice for the horse industry but are the voice for the horses themselves. Our Organization claims to be the voice for those with no voice of their own, but the UHC has a louder voice and through the AHC and the EWDC have the ability to reach horse industry professionals, horse enthusiasts, horse owners and the general public on a national level. By providing resources, information and data, your organizations fulfill a great need in protecting the lives of at risk horses and providing support, and encouragement to those who devote their lives to the care and service of these animals.”  – Janet Nierzwick, Horses Without Humans Rescue Organization.

UHC is also home to the United Horse Coalitions Equine Resource Database, a free online database including assistance, support, and safety net programs such as hay and feed assistance, castration assistance, veterinary assistance, microchipping, euthanasia and disposal assistance, behavior and training, transportation, direct placement options, Law Enforcement assistance, disaster assistance, large animal technical rescue, grant funding opportunities, and other vital programs available to assist at-risk horses, their owners, and the many non-profits who work tirelessly to provide these resources.  This database also includes a list of over 900 Rescues and Sanctuaries operating nationwide and is continuously audited to add and remove resources in live time.

Our biggest impact in creating change for at-risk horses starts at the source, and that’s through the owners who care for them.  UHC strives to give owners the resources and tools they need to make responsible decisions on behalf of their horse(s). 

The UHC Equine Resource Database can be found here:

UHC is pleased to offer its members tailored presentations on responsible ownership, including topics on estate planning, what happens to your horse if something happens to you, the importance of training and veterinary care in making sure your horse does not become at-risk, safety net resources available to help owners in need, and responsible rehoming options for horses in transition.

To continue the crucial work we are doing, the UHC is doubling down on our efforts to increase funding and support to continue helping at-risk horses and those in transition.  As the UHC relies solely on our membership fees to continue the work we do, your support through your membership with the United Horse Coalition is critical to ensure the viability of the valuable resources we provide to the Equine Industry as a whole.

To help us, help the Equine Industry, and the owners who need our support the most, please consider becoming a United Horse Coalition member organization here:

The United Horse Coalition is a broad alliance of equine organizations that have joined together under the American Horse Council to educate the horse industry about the issues facing horses at-risk or in transition. We seek to provide information for existing and prospective owners, breeders, sellers, and horse organizations regarding the long-term responsibilities of owning and caring for horses, as well as focusing on the opportunities available for these horses.