Share Your Thoughts with the Equine Welfare Data Collective!

The Equine Welfare Data Collective Wants to Know What You’re Thinking!

We’re thrilled to announce that the release of the Equine Welfare Data Collective’s 2023 survey results are just around the corner! Thanks to the generous contributions from numerous rescues and sanctuaries, we’ve gathered valuable insights that will help us advance the care of transition and at-risk equines across our industry.

But before we dive into our 2024 Surveys, we want to hear from you about how we can better serve your needs. Your feedback is crucial in shaping our efforts to improve as an organization.

Please take a moment to complete this short survey. It’s completely anonymous and will only take a few minutes of your time. Let us know what aspects you appreciate about our current work and where you think we can make enhancements.

Thank you for being part of our collective effort to enhance equine welfare!

Check out our EWDC most Frequently Asked Questions.